Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Future Knowledge

This morning I attended a fascinating breakfast conference called 'Future Knowledge'. Richard Millwood from Core Education talked about a project that he has been working on with UNESCO to find out what the world's children think about education, learning and their experiences of learning. The youtube playlist below shows some of the interviews that have already been recorded.
Richard talked about how the education world needs to adjust to meet the new expectations of the world in the 21st century.

Children having a voice is such an important part of education and one which we must not lose sight of.

This morning served to further my own determination to ensure that Fendalton children have a say in their school and their learning so that they remain central to everything that we do. One only has to watch the videos of our year 6 from 2007 reflecting on their time at Fendalton to see how sophisticated and knowledgeable children can be about their own learning, we just have to remember to listen.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. For a glimpse of what Paul is talking about, check out the FOS youtube account located at:

    One exciting prospect we are exploring is developing systems which allow children, teachers and the family members to share more closely in the learning of our young people.

    In the near future parents/families will be able to join children either as part of their 'learning audience', or as an active participant able to provide feedback and join in the celebration.

    The role that new technologies play in this will be important and is very exciting.

