Monday, 29 June 2009

Health and Safety Review

Each term at Fendalton, the Board of Trustees review a different aspect of school life and the policies in place to support that aspect. As part of this review we like to survey the community for any feedback. This term we have been reviewing "Health and Safety" across the school and so would like to know if there are any concerns around this within our community.

The review looks at the physical spaces within the school, the systems that we have for managing risk and those for ensuring child safety. If you identify areas for us to develop, please provide ideas for how the system could be improved by completing the form below. The form is now open and will remain so until the end of week 2 of term 3 (Friday 31st July). Please take a moment to complete the form.

1 comment:

  1. Extremely concerned that the three duty staff have had no training in how to deal with anaphylaxis and do not know how to use an Epipen. Alarming.

